2014年5月30日 星期五

Kiehl's & The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers

June is Father's Day also is Kiehl's The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream Event. I have markdown my calender for this project on 08/06/2014 at 1U Secret Garden also prepare a Summer Dress to have Fun In The Sun

6月是父亲节也是 Kiehl's The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers 特级高保湿无油光啫喱霜 盛宴. 我已经把08/06/2014  1U Secret Garden这个盛宴记录至我的日历上还想好了夏天的服饰准备Fun In The Sun

Did all of you know that this cream offers 24-hours no-shine hydration effect?
Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream:
Kiehl's 特级高保湿无油光啫喱霜
Kiehl's manages shine and moisture levels for normal to oily skin with the Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream Fresh Hydration, a new, refreshing, non-sticky formula that conditions normal to oily skin for a full 24 hours of fresh-feeling hydration! Formulated with moisture-replenishing the Ultra Facial Oil-Free range star ingredient, Imperata Cylindrica Root Extract and Antarcticine, the gel-cream helps skin retain moisture for a full 24 hours. With moisture retained, the skin will be more balanced, and have a reduced appearance of shine. Used daily, this lightweight gel cream strengthens skin’s moisture barrier, leaving it velvety-soft and looking virtually shine-free minimizes. It’s fragrance-free and will not leave a residue!

Kiehl's 特级高保湿无油光啫喱霜管理清爽滋润光泽和水份含量,适合中性至油性肌肤,一个全新的,清爽,不粘腻配方,给予中性至油性肌肤整整24小时的清新保湿感觉!此配方含高保湿无油补充水份的星级成分,白茅根提取物和南极海醣蛋白,凝胶霜帮助肌肤留住水份整整24小时。随着水份的保留,肌肤更加平衡以拥有光泽的外观。日常使用时,这个轻量级的凝胶霜强化肌肤的保湿屏障,遗留下天鹅般的柔软和控油感它不含香料,不会留下任何的残留物!

Let Me share with you all Why do you need 24 hour no-shine fresh hydration? 
365 Days was a summer day in Malaysia, We will have a Superdry Skin in everyday. Now i know that Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream it's Fresh Hydration give our skin like drinking water for a full 24 Hours, it's refreshing, non-sticky formula. 

让我与你们分享为什么需要24小时无油光清爽滋润? 马来西亚365天都是夏天,在日常生活中我们将有一个超级干燥的肌肤。现在让我接触到Kiehl's特级保湿无油光啫喱霜它的清爽,不粘腻配方让我们的肌肤整整24个小时都像在喝水。

The next What do i love about Kiehl's?? 
Kiehl's product it's all natural ingredient. They product also Fragrance Free, Paraben Free, Colorant Free & Oil Free it's won't hurt our skin. Oily skin like me those chemical product will worst my skin like pimple, blackhead & pigmentation grow up. I prefer Natural product like Kiehl's 

Kiehl's 的产品是全天然成份。他们的产品不含香料,防腐剂,着色剂和无油光以至不会伤害我们的肌肤。油性皮肤如我含有化学成分的产品将破坏我的肌肤例如青春痘,黑头粉刺及色斑的增长。像Kiehl's 就是我一直需要的全天然的产品。

Now u can way to any Kiehl's Store to get a sample of Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream. They Store Locator as here http://kiehlstimes.com.my/store.php

现在可以光临任何Kiehl's商店获取Kiehl's特级保湿无油光啫喱霜样本。它们商店定位请浏览这儿 http://kiehlstimes.com.my/store.php

Very easy step to stand a chance win, step as below i teach:
2. Write A Blog Post
3. Key in E-Mail Address
***COMPULSORY: Head on to the blog at https://www.facebook.com/ButterflyProjectMalaysia?sk=app_228910107186452 to complete other task to gain more entry via Rafflecopter App
4. Wait for good news from her!!

2. 写一贴博文
3. 输入你的电邮地址
***强制步骤: 麻烦请浏览她的博客 https://www.facebook.com/ButterflyProjectMalaysia?sk=app_228910107186452 已完成其它的任务通过 Rafflecopter 应用程序
4. 等待她的好消息!!

Special Thanks to Kiehl's & The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers held this project hope can go with all the pretty blogger.

特此感谢 Kiehl's & The Butterfly Project - Beauty Bloggers 举办这场盛宴希望可以和一众漂亮的博客美女出席.

Need to know more about the event, Kindly go to Facebook as below:-

